Innokin are stepping up their game and the Innokin Disrupter is proof of that. This device is comprised of 2 sections. The Disrupter being the part that holds the chip, the 510 pin, the buttons and the screen. The second part is the battery which Innokin is calling the Innocell. The Innocell slides into the Disrupter and locks into place and you essentially have a full box mod.
Regarding specs, the Innokin Disrupter operates from 6 watts to 50 watts in wattage mode and 3 volts to 7.5 volts in voltage mode and will fire down to 0.2ohms. It has an OLED screen that displays all necessary information which can be flipped for righty or lefty mode. Each Innocell battery has a 2000mah capacity and can be swapped in mere seconds. Looks like Innokin may have yet another winner here.
The Innokin Disrupter:
- Operating Voltage: 3.0V-7.5V
- Operating Wattage: 6.0W-50W
- Clearomizer Resistance: 0.2Ohm (minimum)
- Charging: Micro USB DC5V/1A
- Large Bright OLED Screen
- Left/Right Screen Flip
- Large Durable buttons
- InnokinCell Slide n’ Lock System
- 15 second cutoff
- Remembers last Voltage or Wattage setting Ohms Meter & Battery Level Indicator & Puff Counter
InnokinCell Vaping Power:
- Engineered for Superior Vaping
- Real Power
- 300 Full Charge Cycles
- Real 2000mah Capacity
- Tri-LED Touch Power Indicator
- 20Amp Max Continuous Output
- Standard MircoUSB Charging Port
- Vape While Charging Technology
- Overcharge Protection
- Overheat Protection
- Auto Shutoff
- Short Circuit Protection
- Unique Identification Number with Online Verification
- Color Customize your mod 21 beautiful and long lasting color combinations!
Authentic Innokin Disrupter
Get It Here
Here’s a review of the Innokin Disrupter by The Vapor Chronicles: