I know I post a lot of coupon codes from My Freedom Smokes but I can’t help it. They have a lot of sales and I just have to pass…
I know I post a lot of coupon codes from My Freedom Smokes but I can’t help it. They have a lot of sales and I just have to pass…
The awesome guys over at Vape Craft Inc. made us aware of another one of their ridiculously awesome 120ml eLiquid sales and we just had to share it with you…
Here’s a great deal for the Royal Hunter Mini RDA. This thing is pretty tiny with a total height of only 21mm and that’s including the drip tip. It uses…
The Laisimo L1 200w box mod is a follow up to the popular Snow Wolf by the same designer. While this is pretty much the same size, this time around…
Will the Uwell Rafale (how do you even pronounce that?) be as successful as its predecessor, the Uwell Crown? Who knows but here’s a great deal on some Uwell Rafale…
I couldn’t pass up on posting this Smowell Turbox kit mainly because of the name (Turdbox anyone?). Aside from the ridiculous name it seems like pretty decent kit. The mod…
The Aspire K2 is a new mouth to lung starter kit that’s aimed at smokers looking to get off the stinkies. This kit features a tank with a decent capacity…
Looking at the Praxis Decimus makes me happy. It looks so awesome. Both magnetic side panels come off and can be switched with other colors such as green, yellow, blue,…
The Oumier Monkey King RDA is a pretty unique rebuildable dripping atomizer with the pretty nice glass top cap that it has. Unlike the other glass top cap RDA’s this…
When I look at the Smok R-Steam Mini it strongly reminds me of the Joyetech eVic VTC Mini. They both look very similar, which is to say they both look…