If you’re the type of vaper that prefers the eGo style batteries, then this Oniyo XDog II 2200mAh Variable Voltage eGo Battery might be right up your alley. On the bottom there’s a twist spinner style knob to adjust the voltage. Plus, unlike most eGo style batteries, the Oniyo XDog II has a removable top beauty ring!
Whether you prefer the smaller form factor or just need a backup, the Oniyo XDog II 2200mAh Variable Voltage eGo Battery is a great buy!
- 510/eGo connection
- Removable eGo beauty ring
- 5 times click to turn on/off
- Variable voltage (spin dial): can be adjusted from 3.3-4.8V volts
Oniyo XDog II 2200mAh Variable Voltage eGo Battery
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