The Nightmare V2 RDA is a great rebuildable dripping atomizer with a pretty standard design with it’s own unique twist. The airflow comes up from the bottom much like we’ve seen before in other devices, but with the Nightmare V2 RDA on the inside it is off to the side a little bit to better hit your coils. This alone is going to make building it so much easier because you don’t have to worry about doing center post builds.
Of course this Nightmare V2 RDA has other great features like a deep juice well that holds plenty of drops, plus a nice wide bore delrin mouth piece that stays cooler longer. The Nightmare V2 RDA is a fantastic buy with or without the coupon below!
- 22mm diameter
- Stainless steel
- Unique global design
- Airflow control
- Copper contact pin makes better electronic conductivity
- Deep juice well
Authentic Nightmare V2 RDA
$7.00 with coupon code NightmareV2
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