The SMY Totem RDA is your standard rebuildable dripping atomizer that’s mostly designed for the cloud chasers out there. It has your regular 3 post build deck with post holes large enough to accommodate nearly anything that can be thrown at them, and the juice well is a generous size too. The body of this SMY Totem RDA is constructed of 303 grade stainless steel and it has plenty of airflow to products those delicious clouds. If you’re in the market for a new cloud chasing atty but don’t want to spend more than 20 bucks then this authentic SMY Totem RDA is a great choice!
- 22mm Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer
- Cool wolf Totem logo
- Elegant and concise shape
- 3 Post design
- Big vapor and good taste
- Large post holes for larger gauge wire
- 303 Stainless steel structure
- Super Wide Bore Drip Tip
- Super deep juice well
- Airflow adjustable
- Excellent explosion-proof oil structure
Authentic SMY Totem RDA
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