The fine folks over at Vape Craft Inc. made us aware of the ridiculously awesome price of their eliquid and we just had to share it with you guys. You get 120ml of eliquid for only $15. That is one hell of a deal. I can’t comment on the quality of the juice as I haven’t tried any but based on the comments on their site it would seem that have some tasty flavors. Head on over and check them out and if you buy some let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Vape Craft Inc. – 120ml eLiquid
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Well I can tell you for a fact that their cream soda flavor is disgusting. The Churros isn’t bad but it tastes more like horchata.
Thanks for the input Levmeister!
It’s OK not great. I wouldn’t buy it again.
There strawberry custard is fire. I tried the cream soda too and didn’t like it, but I think they discontinued that flavor. Another good flavor is their fruity rings.