The Wotofo Serpent RTA is a 4ml capacity rebuildable tank atomizer that has a 2 post deck that is designed for single coil builds. Of course, some of you out there will be able to put dual coils into it quite easily but it was originally designed with single coils in mind. One cool feature this tank has is the ability to raise and lower the chimney by turning the top of the tank. This opens and closes juice flow to the wick so you can close it off for thinner juices or open it wide for thick juices. You can also close it off completely when filling the tank to prevent leaking when putting the top cap back on since this is a top filling tank.
- 22mm Diameter
- 4mL Juice Capacity
- Superior Stainless Steel Construction
- Pyrex Glass Reinforcement
- Real Juice Flow Control System
- Optimized Efficiently for Max VG Cloud Chasers
- Two-Post Design
- Enormous Dual Adjustable Airflow Control
- Top-Fill Method
- 510 Contact Pin
Authentic Wotofo Serpent RTA
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Here’s a review of the Wotofo Serpent RTA by The Vapor Chronicles: