The Anyvape Peakomizer is the newest unique clearomizer to hit the market. With its top fill design and airflow control it just may leave other clearomizers eating its dust. But the most awesome part of the Anyvape Peakomizer is its ability to use multiple different coil heads from both Kanger AND Aspire. You can use the Kanger Protank 3/Aerotank heads or the Aspire BDC/BVC heads.
It’s always good to have options and this clearomizer certainly delivers.
- Stainless steel construction
- Pyrex glass tube
- Top fill design
- Adjustable air flow, 4 different levels
- BDC and BVC atomizer head compatible
- 3.5ml liquid capacity
- 510 threaded
Authentic Anyvape Peakomizer Kit
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Here’s a review of the Anyvape Peakomizer by IndoorSmokers: