The Aspire Nautilus X is much more like the Aspire Cleito than the original Nautilus tank. This is a fairly small tank with a 2ml capacity but it sports a leak proof design that lends itself well to being carried in a pocket all day. The coils for the Nautilus X use a new coil design which Aspire calls the U-tech coil system which you can see illustrated in the picture above. The original Nautilus was an amazing tank at the time and still holds up today so I have high hopes for this new version.
Authentic Aspire Nautilus X Tank
$23.75 with coupon code 5%downforyou
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- Adjustable Top Airflow
- Leak Proof Design
- 22mm*45mm
- Top Filling
- 2ml Capacity (TPD Compliant)
- U-Tech Coil System
- Ultra Low Profile Design