Is your vape gear area a complete disaster? Do you need an easy way to safely pack your vape gear for traveling etc? Then this Coil Master Kbag might be just what you need! The Coil Master Kbag is a decent sized zipper bag for your all your important stuff. It features elastic straps for safely securing your mods and batteries and even your atomizers, and on the other side there is a pouch for your ejuices or whatever else you can think of.
The Coil Master Kbag is a must have especially for those who travel, and the deal we found for you below is even cheaper than the manufactures web site!
- Coil Master Kbag is a multi functional, multi purpose adjustable case for all your vape gear.
- Carry your Mods, Atomizers, E-juice, wicking supplies and so much more.
- Everything you need for vaping can now be carried in one convenient bag, the Coil Master KBag.
Authentic Coil Master Kbag
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Here’s a review of the Coil Master Kbag by GuideToVaping: